Sophie Mützel is PI of this project. She is sociologist, mother of two cool kids, rides bike whenever possible, likes both coffee and tea. Works on the sociology of algorithms, big data, and digital media at the University of Lucerne, Switzerland.
Email: sophie.muetzel(at)unilu.ch
Tweets @berlinerlufti

Markus Unternährer is a post-doc researcher in sociology at the university of Lucerne in charge of the subproject «Data sharing agreements«.
Email: markus.unternaehrer(at)unilu.ch

Antonia is a research fellow and doctoral candidate at the Department of Sociology at the University of Lucerne since 2021. She is in charge of the subproject «Value creation on retail data«.
Email: antonia.steigerwald(at)unilu.ch
Tweets @AntoniaStw

Tatjana joined the Department of Sociology at the University of Lucerne as a doctoral researcher in October 2021. She is in charge of the subproject «Digital earmarking».
Email: tatjana.graf(at)unilu.ch